Magnificient visualization shows significant components of our planet: the Earth's crust, water, and atmosphere.
Iron oxide is 5x denser than water, so that's why the spheres are different volumes. All densities are factored in, even the crust plus water sphere is a weighted average of coating plus water density.
You may be astonished that Silicon dioxide (SiO₂) has an equivalent size to the entire crust plus water sphere. That's just an illustration of the volume growing as the cube of the radius; if you make the radius of a sphere only 26 percent larger, the volume doubles! It's also why our planet looks almost a similar size.
Iron oxide is 5x denser than water, so that's why the spheres are different volumes. All densities are factored in, even the crust plus water sphere is a weighted average of coating plus water density.
You may be astonished that Silicon dioxide (SiO₂) has an equivalent size to the entire crust plus water sphere. That's just an illustration of the volume growing as the cube of the radius; if you make the radius of a sphere only 26 percent larger, the volume doubles! It's also why our planet looks almost a similar size.
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