Since 1880, there have been significant changes in the global surface temperature patterns, impacting the timing and intensity of the hottest and coldest months. Analysis of temperature data reveals several key trends: Warming Trend: The overall trend shows a steady increase in global temperatures since the late 19th century. This warming trend is evident in both annual averages and monthly records, with each decade since the 1970s successively warmer than the previous one. Consequently, the occurrence of extremely hot months has become more frequent. Shift in Seasonal Patterns: There has been a notable shift in seasonal temperature patterns , resulting in changes to the timing and duration of the hottest and coldest months. Warm seasons, such as spring and summer, have become longer and more intense, with earlier onset and later conclusion. Conversely, cold seasons, particularly winter, have shortened, leading to fewer occurrences of extreme cold temperatures . Increase in Heatwave...