WHAT ARE THEY DOING AND HOW IS IT HELPING? THEY PREFER TO CYCLE On average, Danes living in Copenhagen cycle almost 2 miles a day. Danes are far more likely to own a bike than they are a car, in fact, 40% of Danes own a car and 90% a bike. THEY DON'T WASTE FOOD Danes are very good at avoiding wasting food. Supermarkets offer 80% reductions at the end of the day to try to minimise waste. An app called 'TooGoodToGo' also allows restaurants to give away unwanted food at closing time. THEY ARE AWARE Danes are mindful of knowing where their food has come from. It is not uncommon for children to be taken to witness slaughters and dissections of animals at zoos so they understand where the food on their plate began its life. THEY EAT ORGANIC Danes eat more organic food than any other country in the world. This is because organic food is not drastically more expensive than other options, making it a good choice for everyone. THEY USE CLEAN ENERGY By 2050, Denma...