Independent house, which benefits the planet and creates all the amenities for human is not a dream but a reality! Today MKmagazine talks about what it is, and shows some remarkable examples, so read with pleasure. Eco-house is an energy saving, energy efficient or passive dwelling that does not require the consumption of energy or requires it at a minimum level (this also applies to electricity, and heating). It is only 8-10% more expensive than usual, and even easier to build: it is not necessary to make the pipe water heating, store fuel, make boiler, etc. All costs repays fully within 7 years. Eco-house features - Compactness, integrity, competent geometry and layout, thoughtful placement relative to the cardinal. - The most practical and safe materials, natural insulation (100% non-toxic). - More efficient insulation to avoid thermal bridges in materials and components, as well as to reduce heat loss almost to zero. - Heating occurs due to heat generation by people, an...